
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Steven MJ Nelson, MHA, LP, a former Navy medical corpsman, active service paramedic and EMS professional, and doctoral candidate in health administration, Steven MJ Nelson, MHA, LP talks about his experiences as a black, gay man serving in the Navy, going through paramedic school and now serving as a paramedic and EMS professional in Texas as well as the challenges all paramedics face in maintaining their health and well-being amid a very challenging career with ongoing high stress and trauma exposure. The challenges faced by people of color and the LGBTQ community as first responders, and how he has worked to raise awareness for diversity and inclusion in EMS. The challenges paramedics face moving from one challenging call to another, needing to compartmentalize to focus on their job, and the risks of not allowing time to process traumatic experiences. His experience of the value of mental health and counseling support and the need to transform the stigmas associated with mental health support and self-care among first responders.STEVEN MJ NELSON, MHA, LP: A Texas native, Steven has served his country as a US Navy Hospital Corpsman and continues service to his home community in Houston, TX as a paramedic. With a passion for advocating for change, Steven enjoys his time standing up for LGBT rights and helping to create a more diverse EMS community. In addition to his doctoral studies and working to save lives, Steven also sits as the current chapter president for the largest chapter of the nation’s first LGBT Greek-lettered organization for gay, bisexual, and progressive men of color, Delta Phi Upsilon Fraternity, Inc., a non-profit community service fraternity. He enjoys traveling to different countries with friends, spending time with his standard poodle, and bowling with his family.For more info on our training programs, visit mindfulpublicsafety.org
You can have LIFETIME ACCESS to the Global First Responder Resilience Summit with Audio Downloads & Transcripts featuring world-class experts in Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Fitness, and Resilience. Click Here To Learn More!

Monday Sep 26, 2022
Ep.17 What Exactly is Trauma? with Dr. Tania Glenn
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Clinical psychologist, trauma, and PTSD treatment expert Tania Glenn Ph.D., whose clinical practice focuses on critical incident support and trauma healing for first responders and veterans, discusses her work in supporting her clients in moving through the healing process and returning to normalcy and healthy functioning, both personally and professionally. Understanding the physiology of stress and trauma... what exactly is trauma? Effective trauma mitigating strategies for post-critical incident support and restoring resilience following traumatic experiences and the possibilities for post-traumatic growth.Dr. Tania Glenn is the president of Tania Glenn and Associates, a clinical practice in Central TX focused on promoting resilience and providing critical care to first responders and veterans. As a leading national clinician in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Dr. Glenn specializes in creating effective programs designed to mitigate traumatic stress and assist patients with their return to normalcy as quickly as possible. Dr. Glenn is a noted author with numerous books dealing with mental health, PTSD, first responders, the military, and family. Additionally, she has been involved in several documentaries dealing directly with mental health trauma.
For more info on our training programs, visit mindfulpublicsafety.org
You can have LIFETIME ACCESS to the Global First Responder Resilience Summit with Audio Downloads & Transcripts featuring world-class experts in Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Fitness and Resilience. Click Here To Learn More!

Monday Sep 12, 2022
Ep.16 Mindfulness & Peer Support Programs with Sgt. Brian Casey
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
35-year veteran police officer, paramedic, EMS educator, and author, Sgt. Brian Casey of the St. Paul, Minnesota, police department shares his insights as a health educator from more than three decades of attending to critical incidents and supporting fellow officers.
Transitioning from a 20-year career as a paramedic and health educator to becoming a police officer, he is now 15 years into his law enforcement career as a patrol officer and returning to health education for his fellow police officers.
The importance of effective peer support programs and what makes them work.The importance of being careful about the use of language and the risk of making assumptions about trauma and harm... that experiences are not automatically traumatizing. Still, rather it depends on an individual’s experience. What creates trauma and harm for one person may not for another.
For more info on our training programs, visit mindfulpublicsafety.org
You can have LIFETIME ACCESS to the Global First Responder Resilience Summit with Audio Downloads & Transcripts, featuring world-class experts in Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Fitness, and Resilience. Click Here To Learn More!

Monday Aug 29, 2022
Ep.15 Why Resilience Matters for Public Safety with Laura Kloosterman
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
32-year police veteran, peer support officer, and Badge of Life Canada board member, Laura Kloosterman talks about resilience and self-care and why they matter for police officers, other law enforcement, and first responders.
Resilience is a process and a capacity that grows as we meet and work through challenging situations. How distress and personal growth can occur simultaneously as we learn to thrive in challenging situations. How we get caught in "thinking traps" like catastrophizing and the importance of cultivating gratitude, faith, and trust in order to deepen our resilience and sustain our well-being. For more info on our training programs visit mindfulpublicsafety.org
You can have LIFETIME ACCESS to the Global First Responder Resilience Summit with Audio Downloads & Transcripts, featuring world-class experts in Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Fitness, and Resilience. Click Here To Learn More!

Monday Aug 15, 2022
Ep.14 Evolving Law Enforcement Culture with Chad McGehee and Susan Carnell
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Mindfulness teacher and college athletic trainer Chad McGehee, MA M.Ed, and 26-year Madison, Wisconsin police officer and licensed social worker Susan Carnell, LCSW discusses their experiences in delivering a mindfulness training program for police officers in Madison, Wisconsin. The very human nature of police work, the similarities with social work, and how law enforcement culture is evolving along with society. The power of embracing ownership and agency for our habits and behaviors, as well as some of our collective cultural habits in law enforcement, which may be serving us and society better than others. The impact of high stress and trauma on officers and how mindfulness training can support first responders in removing or transforming the shame associated with trauma and mitigating the negative impacts and health risks associated with occupational trauma exposure.For more info on our training programs visit mindfulpublicsafety.org
You can have LIFETIME ACCESS to the Global First Responder Resilience Summit with Audio Downloads & Transcripts, featuring world-class experts in Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Fitness, and Resilience. Click Here To Learn More!

Monday Aug 01, 2022
Ep.13 Mindfulness Mitigating Trauma with Dan Grupe and Michael Christopher
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Mindfulness and neuroscience researchers at the University of Wisconsin Center for Health Minds research laboratory and Pacific University in Oregon, respectively, Dan Grupe, Ph.D. & Michael Christoper, Ph.D., discusses their extensive research on mindfulness training programs for police, firefighters, and other first responders in Wisconsin and Oregon. What we know from current neuroscience research about the benefits of mindfulness training and practice for people in general and first responders in particular, and the importance of integrating mindfulness training with tactical and other types of training in the academies, as well as annual training. How trauma negatively impacts and changes the brain and how mindfulness training can mitigate the negative impacts of trauma and support overall healthy brain functionality—significant improvements in quality and duration of sleep among first responders participating in the mindfulness training program.
For more info on our training programs visit mindfulpublicsafety.org
You can have LIFETIME ACCESS to the Global First Responder Resilience Summit with Audio Downloads & Transcripts, featuring world-class experts in Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Fitness, and Resilience. Click Here To Learn More!

Monday Jul 18, 2022
Ep.12 Mindful Responder with Crawford Coates
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Author of Mindful Responder: The First Responder's Field Guide to Improved Resilience, Fulfillment, Presence, & Fitness – On and Off the Job, Crawford Coates, discusses his experience with first responder and public safety education and training work through Lexipol, Calibre Press, and other organizations.The challenges first responders face transitioning between highly disturbing experiences and the normalcy of their personal and family lives on a daily basis. The power of "tactical pausing"... finding the discretionary time between demanding events to reflect, recover, reset your mindset or even just the time to take a conscious breath. The importance of rest, building rest and recovery time into our daily and weekly routines, as well as healthy self-care practices around diet, exercise, hydration, etc.
For more info on our training programs visit mindfulpublicsafety.org
You can have LIFETIME ACCESS to the Global First Responder Resilience Summit with Audio Downloads & Transcripts, featuring world-class experts in Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Fitness, and Resilience. Click Here To Learn More!

Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Active duty Public Health Service psychologist with Homeland Security and ICE, Dr. Scott Salvatore & Aviation Survival Technician and U.S. Coast Guard helicopter rescue swimmer Joseph Glaser-Reich, talk about the University of San Diego mindfulness training research initiative involving more than a dozen U.S. federal law enforcement and Department of Homeland Security agencies, including Secret Service, ICE, FEMA, Coast Guard, U.S. Border Patrol, Customs, TSA and more. The challenges and best practices for doing effective mindfulness training research with first responder agencies and the on-the-ground realities of first responder experience and training needs. The demonstrated transformational power of mindfulness training for tactical performance, mindset, health and well-being, and overall life satisfaction and happiness. The importance of both leadership and grassroots support for prioritizing resilience, health, and wellbeing and for normalizing mindfulness and other mind-body training for first responders.For more info on our training programs visit mindfulpublicsafety.org
You can have LIFETIME ACCESS to the Global First Responder Resilience Summit with Audio Downloads & Transcripts, featuring world-class experts in Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Fitness, and Resilience. Click Here To Learn More!

Mindful Public Safety
The Center for Mindfulness in Public Safety promotes the research, development, and implementation of Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) supporting excellence, staff wellness, safe and humane environments, and successful outcomes in the fields of corrections and criminal justice, law enforcement, and other agencies involved in public safety. We provide research-based training and consulting for the implementation of Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBI’s) such as Mindfulness Training (MT) and Mindfulness-Based Wellness & Resiliency (MBWR).
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